Short Bio

I am a photographer based in the town of Sonoma, dedicated to exploring nature with artistic intent. Unique perspectives, clarity, depth and light are important qualities that I emphasize in my photography. My fascination with the natural world led me to focus mainly on landscape, wildlife and travel photography, be it local or far afield.


As a professional photographer based in the town of Sonoma, CA, my fascination with the natural world led me to focus mainly on landscapes, seascapes, and wildlife, be it local or far afield. Some of my photographs present large, dramatic views that capture the grandeur of the expansive landscape. Others focus on smaller segments of the larger landscape in a more intimate and expressive way. With all of my photographs I invite the viewer to reflect with me on the wonders of nature.

Many locations around the globe capture my heart and spirit as I explore nature with artistic intent. Our planet is big, beautiful and bold, yet delicate and fragile. Water is its lifeblood. Through my photography I hope to convey a feeling of respect for Earth, our beautiful home that deserves attention to its conservation.


Mark Zukowski has enjoyed a trio of careers: molecular geneticist, commercial wine grape grower, and photographer.  His passion for the art of photography spans 60 years; he became a professional photographer in 2007.  As a young man, Mark became keenly interested in the natural world.  He had a microscope to explore the tiny world and a telescope to explore the world beyond his reach.  He used his father's twin lens reflex camera to explore the world before him.  Mark built a portable darkroom in the basement of his house in New Jersey to develop black and white film and to make prints. While working with film was enjoyable in those days, today Mark uses a digital camera, processes the images on a computer, and makes prints with his professional ink jet printers in his studio.  He enjoys photographing nature in foreign lands as well as close to home.

Resume / CV

My photographs have appeared in the National Geographic Image Collection, Getty Images, Nikon advertising, Sacramento magazine, Food & Wine magazine, Fortune magazine, National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America, Best Top Photographers book, various newspapers and other publications, as well as galleries in California and Arizona. My photograph “Nick’s at Night” was exhibited at the de Young Museum in San Francisco in 2020 as part of a group exhibition. My "Antarctic Blue" photograph was chosen by the International Photography Hall of Fame for a group exhibition in 2023. Thank you very much for your interest in my work!